Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Weak students and Choice of Question

Over time i have noted that, weak students in mathematics ALWAYS attempt the least popular questions in the exams?These questions, unfortunately, are always the tricky ones! What make the students attempt such questions?


  1. You are making me think of things I had never really thought of before...I was not a good mathematics students and now I wonder if I chose the wrong questions!
    This is an interesting observation and perhaps having a one on one with the students might help you understand this phenomenon.
    Well done Kahenya and Keep going!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Lots of respect to you for your effort to make Maths an interesting subject...I don't know how that is possible, but from the look of it, you are working really hard!
    Beatrice Njeru

  2. Thanks. I hope students reading this will give their input!

    Maybe come next trimester i will try to have 1-1 with my students or maybe an item for action research?

    Do you observe the same?I would appreciate to hear your feedback.Especially during the end of trimester exam!
