Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fear of Exam: Think Positively

Most people do not want to be tested. In fact very few if none would prefer to go through a test. As a student, this is one of the highly dreaded experience. Our society judge us, judge our worthy, our potential, on how we fair in the exams. This is very unfortunate. A simple tip is to try to understand two out of three concepts taught daily and stop worrying whether the third concept that you did not understand will be in the exam. instead rejoice that you learnt at most two concepts and then focus on this positive note. How can it transform your life for the better? 'Words are like seeds. They have creative power' (Osteen, 2007: 109). If you are always talking of how difficulty life is, then things will be difficult. 'Change the way you speak and think about yourself and you can change your life', (Osteen, 2007: 112). Positivity bleeds positiveness and negativity bleeds negativeness.


  1. I wish I had been told this early enough! May be...just may be I would be teaching mathematics as well!
    Beatrice Njeru

  2. Hey!
    This is EARLY ENOUGH!Have you ever wondered why God never created us like a sheet of plain paper?Or why we are all different and yet we were created after His image!Because there is great potential in variety and diversity!it would be so boring if all of us would be teaching maths!!You got two out of three!so forget the the third concept (maths)!do you know how many wished they passed english so that they could have done Law?Anyway, the lesson could be used in going about other aspects of our life today and tomorrow!e.g. being positive!!
