Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Anxiety to Perform

Being anxious to perform better may lead to failure. Anxiety clogs the brain and make one lose focus. imagine in a marathon hundreds of people start with the aim of winning the first prize despite knowing clearly that the chance is one in a thousand but they do their best even going to finish. This is because most compete against themselves. They have a target or own record to break. So, set your own target and aim to achieve it.


  1. True this is Kahenya.
    The thing is, my targets keep shifting! Do you think this is good or bad?

  2. Imagine having a bow & arrow aiming to shoot a moving target!Tricky?But your scenario is different because it is YOU who sents the TARGETS!In other words, it is you who moves the targets and yet you are the archer!I would rather you stop shifting the targets and then aim or focus and am sure you will hit the target!i would prefer you set a low target like scoring a 15/30 in the first CAT (i am assuming you are an average student)then improve steadly upto 25/30. If you sent high targets (30/30)you will always end a frustrated person, even when you score 27/30!Start at a safer zone and progress slowly but steadly!I know this is against what you have always been told: aim at the stars and land on the moon!mine is different, since you can land on the moon, why not aim at the Everest where you are double sure you will land a happy and satisfied person!And then progressively jump to the moon, then the stars!Good luck!
